In the dark night,he was listening to the silence of this city and watching the shadow of unpredictable things.His eyes focused on the same direction as if they read some of exciting pages in the best-seller novel.Maybe ,the reality of life would play it's role on the fateful secreen to tell what was going on.
The ache of heart covered all of his body.The old memories had to be vanished in his vulnerable brain.He felt like that his body was divided into two parts.The sudden light from a brigh star appeared on the his left side. All things he could see started fading away in the misty air.It was not possible to keep his compusure and stop shivering his body while the laugh of worthless and contemptible woman filled his room.By holding a red apple, her temptation couldn't be denial at the same time.He was not ready to sell his soul.To be able to conquer the peak of Everest mountain, the endless desires had to help his appetite.There were alot of eyes shining and opening widely while a lot of golden money was dropped to the ground.It was pitty that his starvation still continued even if there was anything he couldn't bought.Somehow, the silence of this dark night was broken by the thunder.The thin laugh of witch and the sound of lightning were mixing in his gloomy room.what was it to put an end of his hunger? His chest was not able to move anymore to lose the control of his poor existance.He had to leave this awfully dreadful environtment to get the fresh air as soon as possible.And then , his loneliness became a company of the raining at the center of dark street.The sky had to show it's mercy so that his tears finally joined the water of nature.
The rainning continued all night.By getting warm and holy bath, he felt like all of his dress and dirty body was be cleaned at all.Each drops took the each of painful thoughts wandering in his brain.Maybe, the powerful words whispered by his lip all night and his precious tears helped him clean what he didn't want.The sun slowly rises in the east and start making his frozen body heat.when dawn broke, all of black disgusting shadows were swallowed one by one in a miraculous tunnel.In fact, it lasted a long time to pass this extremely diffucult examination.Enveriontment was slowly changing to show it's beauty again.Afterwards,he found himself in the center of an unbelievable field which full of daisies,violets,jasmines and roses. His face looked happy to sniff the rich fragrance of this garden flower.As a statue, he unconsciously listened to the concert of nightingales.There were no any clues about being afraid of hungriness from his face.Indeed, he complately turned into a different man.Howover, he also thought of the fact that almost his life was spent in vain.In his eyes, they were not worthy things he had valued before.After his long journey and exciting adventure , he could finally see the beginning of wisdom's way.
The observer has affected the ongoing life in quantum theory. He come back in essensial presence and didn't battle with this reality.Possession and the attractive desires of world can’t be ignored at all.On the another hand, those , who is trying to satisfy their appetite by eating stone , doesnt become aware of why they have been created.
The ache of heart covered all of his body.The old memories had to be vanished in his vulnerable brain.He felt like that his body was divided into two parts.The sudden light from a brigh star appeared on the his left side. All things he could see started fading away in the misty air.It was not possible to keep his compusure and stop shivering his body while the laugh of worthless and contemptible woman filled his room.By holding a red apple, her temptation couldn't be denial at the same time.He was not ready to sell his soul.To be able to conquer the peak of Everest mountain, the endless desires had to help his appetite.There were alot of eyes shining and opening widely while a lot of golden money was dropped to the ground.It was pitty that his starvation still continued even if there was anything he couldn't bought.Somehow, the silence of this dark night was broken by the thunder.The thin laugh of witch and the sound of lightning were mixing in his gloomy room.what was it to put an end of his hunger? His chest was not able to move anymore to lose the control of his poor existance.He had to leave this awfully dreadful environtment to get the fresh air as soon as possible.And then , his loneliness became a company of the raining at the center of dark street.The sky had to show it's mercy so that his tears finally joined the water of nature.
The rainning continued all night.By getting warm and holy bath, he felt like all of his dress and dirty body was be cleaned at all.Each drops took the each of painful thoughts wandering in his brain.Maybe, the powerful words whispered by his lip all night and his precious tears helped him clean what he didn't want.The sun slowly rises in the east and start making his frozen body heat.when dawn broke, all of black disgusting shadows were swallowed one by one in a miraculous tunnel.In fact, it lasted a long time to pass this extremely diffucult examination.Enveriontment was slowly changing to show it's beauty again.Afterwards,he found himself in the center of an unbelievable field which full of daisies,violets,jasmines and roses. His face looked happy to sniff the rich fragrance of this garden flower.As a statue, he unconsciously listened to the concert of nightingales.There were no any clues about being afraid of hungriness from his face.Indeed, he complately turned into a different man.Howover, he also thought of the fact that almost his life was spent in vain.In his eyes, they were not worthy things he had valued before.After his long journey and exciting adventure , he could finally see the beginning of wisdom's way.
The observer has affected the ongoing life in quantum theory. He come back in essensial presence and didn't battle with this reality.Possession and the attractive desires of world can’t be ignored at all.On the another hand, those , who is trying to satisfy their appetite by eating stone , doesnt become aware of why they have been created.