This week is the first start and the sign of fasting days. From dawn to dusk, having food, drinking anythings and sex are forbidden at all. It is a declaration and a scream by yourself ' My Allah (c.c), It is only for you. Under your mercy,I am fasting in this holy Ramadan month.' Althought you are capable of eating foods while getting them in refrigerator and sniffing the smell of them, you don't eat anythings under your willpower.In spide of fact that fasting is only intented for Allah, Of course ,It give us a lot of somethings benificial and also make us acquire good behaviours. First of all, you understand how much we are helpless as human being.It is not possible to figure out the starvation by reading articles or watching the news on television but making practice or just living in what it is written and watched.The feeling of hunger drift you to think of the way you haven’t thought before.A good many important things in your life turn into worthless matter. I have been always sory for the foods thrown away in case people are not able to find enought nourishment in the world. In this hottest and longest days of 2010 year, Ramadan become more meaningful to us if we try getting sympathy and empathy.Whether or not we become aware of , Fast enable our tired stomatch to get a nice rest .No wonder doctors find the ramadan healthy if we haven’t got some of problems.
It is not only related with foods or stomatch but every part of our body refrain from sins. Fast is a sine qua non for Islam , which is one of 5 main rules.Patience is one of the first things if we mention about sacred month.Our prophet said that ‘ if someone try making you angry and say bad things , you should say I am fasting ' Patience also play a big role when the all family is gathered to break the fast for evenning meal called 'iftar '. All of them wait ' call to prayer ' which is called 'ezan 'to break the fast even if they are sitting in front of meals .If you live in a town or a small city, you are able to break your fast with a cannon fire of the ceromony. Ramadan also remind us of sharing.It is just the time you had to donate charity and help the poor people.The big tents are piteched in cities in my country. Rich people share meals with travellers ,resident and migrant worker in this tents after sunset.Muslims read the versus of Koran more than normal days.Mosques are fulled by those who want to pray in the Ramadan.It is realy a wonderful chance to be cleansed of our sins if we pray sincerely. Ramadan , which is found in the lure celender and also start looking to the crescent month , is included a special praying called ' tarawih ' . We finally have to wake up early for overnight meal 'suhur' to get the next fast tomorrow.
Ramadan is not be able to be told by words .You have to live in the heavenly ambience . It is the best kind of tranning for the rest of year. I hope this shower of divine blessing in abundance purifiy the soul and soften our hearts.May this month bring with glad tidings, good cheer.May this holy days appear with unpresetended glory, grace and penitience but conquer the vices of revenge ,rancour and greed.May my Allah (c.c) make this humanitiy an angelic creed and give them lasting peace , new sprouts of faith emerging in our barren heart.