Last day , I understood again that commumicating with people in some condition was realy diffucult.Even though this reality was well known in my background, this happened to me again.On the other hand, beside the issue of understanding each other, I took a few lessons about how we could put away an unnecessary discussion.
Pls, excuse me in advance that I am not clever and wise as much as the specialist giving you the rules of how you can get on well with people.However, at least ,such experience as I tell you can remind us some of our knowladges.In short , while speaking to one of my dear friends,he suddenly claimed that I looked down on him .Oh my God, my last word was 'what ' by dropping my chin.Afer I struggled to convince him of my innocence a long time, he still went on blaming me. it is the last thing I want to hurt any hearts on purpose, let alone humiliate my friend.So, I figured out the fact that it was useless to tell how much I was sory and being misunderstood at all. when everything started getting worse, It could be best choice to run away from this boring and unproductive situation.It is beacuse my feeling started conquering my brain.I was not able to countenace myself pushing in a position of being perceived wrong whereas my thesis was complately true.First of all , One must never lose respect to himself and then expect others to respect in return. A low level argument never cause the goodness and also doesnt work out for me.Maybe , you don’t approve of my sentimental behaviour and ask me why I let myself get bogget down in minor details.Actually, important things are hiden in minor detail. Morever, rather than bring about an irreparable consequence or making a scene, I prefer to calm down
Needless to say, the sentence he accused me of wander in my mind and made me preoccupy for a while.There is a saying in my country.The word is like an arrow out of an arch. After shouting an arrow, It can never be taken back.To put it blunly, a sentence included in two different meaning is realy a big risk.Dealing with someone who can't surely understand what your sentence convey is just a terribly awful nighmare.To be able to comrehend the point of words and sentences, we need enought important elemenents such as knowladges,intellectual curiosity, sensitivity, confidence,the sense of humour, comon sense etc. I tried to explain everything to him, but it came out all wrong.Instead of focusing on the words,the intention must be learned to decide whether they are good or bad. If we omit this magical word 'intention or mean ' - which may well be the case - I am quite sure all conversation turned into a foolish quarrel. At the every incidents we face, our behaviour ,thoughts and feelings shoul be primarily questioned to make progress about personal feautures.Actually, I can’t also pass without clarifying that you are not capable of smoothing over any awkwardness of the situation in an unilateral struggle if we mention about two persons.As far as I remember that he didn’t look sad.Let us assume that he had got even a big problem, was he right to vent his temper on me? This kind of attitude dont help him solve any problems but accelarate to make mistakes in his life. As you know, sometimes, the words become weak and meaningless.No matter how much you know , you can only know as much as one you have already spoken.The time is always a good medicine.In the diffuculties of life, time is the best teacher and also mold human into good shape and character as well.
Pls dont get me wrong. I haven’t trouble with my friend as much as you guess.This event between us lasted about 15 minutes and then it came to an end when I exited from the room.In fact, I have to admit that assessing this issue took much time for me.I have never regret spending much time and never been feed up with examaning the relation between people.Because, that is only one way we can improve our personality.
Pls, excuse me in advance that I am not clever and wise as much as the specialist giving you the rules of how you can get on well with people.However, at least ,such experience as I tell you can remind us some of our knowladges.In short , while speaking to one of my dear friends,he suddenly claimed that I looked down on him .Oh my God, my last word was 'what ' by dropping my chin.Afer I struggled to convince him of my innocence a long time, he still went on blaming me. it is the last thing I want to hurt any hearts on purpose, let alone humiliate my friend.So, I figured out the fact that it was useless to tell how much I was sory and being misunderstood at all. when everything started getting worse, It could be best choice to run away from this boring and unproductive situation.It is beacuse my feeling started conquering my brain.I was not able to countenace myself pushing in a position of being perceived wrong whereas my thesis was complately true.First of all , One must never lose respect to himself and then expect others to respect in return. A low level argument never cause the goodness and also doesnt work out for me.Maybe , you don’t approve of my sentimental behaviour and ask me why I let myself get bogget down in minor details.Actually, important things are hiden in minor detail. Morever, rather than bring about an irreparable consequence or making a scene, I prefer to calm down
Needless to say, the sentence he accused me of wander in my mind and made me preoccupy for a while.There is a saying in my country.The word is like an arrow out of an arch. After shouting an arrow, It can never be taken back.To put it blunly, a sentence included in two different meaning is realy a big risk.Dealing with someone who can't surely understand what your sentence convey is just a terribly awful nighmare.To be able to comrehend the point of words and sentences, we need enought important elemenents such as knowladges,intellectual curiosity, sensitivity, confidence,the sense of humour, comon sense etc. I tried to explain everything to him, but it came out all wrong.Instead of focusing on the words,the intention must be learned to decide whether they are good or bad. If we omit this magical word 'intention or mean ' - which may well be the case - I am quite sure all conversation turned into a foolish quarrel. At the every incidents we face, our behaviour ,thoughts and feelings shoul be primarily questioned to make progress about personal feautures.Actually, I can’t also pass without clarifying that you are not capable of smoothing over any awkwardness of the situation in an unilateral struggle if we mention about two persons.As far as I remember that he didn’t look sad.Let us assume that he had got even a big problem, was he right to vent his temper on me? This kind of attitude dont help him solve any problems but accelarate to make mistakes in his life. As you know, sometimes, the words become weak and meaningless.No matter how much you know , you can only know as much as one you have already spoken.The time is always a good medicine.In the diffuculties of life, time is the best teacher and also mold human into good shape and character as well.
Pls dont get me wrong. I haven’t trouble with my friend as much as you guess.This event between us lasted about 15 minutes and then it came to an end when I exited from the room.In fact, I have to admit that assessing this issue took much time for me.I have never regret spending much time and never been feed up with examaning the relation between people.Because, that is only one way we can improve our personality.