Since the last worldcup 2006, the exhilaration of football match hasn't came over me too much.After watching Turkiye which became third in the South Korea, I haven't realy found the high level of games in my country.After all , this game is a visual performance which give audience a great pleasure.
Why didn't Turkish national team go to the Sout Africa? It is a quite different from what I want to tell .As you know, this awfully excitement has started on TV again.While slipping your wonderful tea, watching a foatball match in front of television is realy the enourmous enjoyment in eyes. Today, we will be watching the quarter final matchs. There is a point I can't pass witout writing, which cause a last constroversial topic.I don't know if you have watched the match between German and England.England were beaten, 4-1. Hovower, the problem is not about the loss of England.when the score of 1-0, England scored its first goal but referee didn't accept this goal , making all audiance shocked at all.Those who are watching in front of Tv can easly make a decision about this critical position. It is because we could see it on television over and over again and, a scene focused by camera surely made it clear.So, this terrible mistake remind some authorities of a question. Why isn't the last technology be used in at least international tournys?Even thought activating the technological machines at match seem more acceptable, I am not sure whether it could be enought effect.Pls , imagine that not only referees but all players and audience at stadium look at a huge secreen and try making a decision of uncertain positons.Won't it make the referee's job get worse or won't it make match last more longer than old one?Nevertheless, if we know the significance of a goal in this kind of match, It will worth having a try. Maybe, we will get used to control the secreen during the match.
Can you predict which one can be the champion in the worldcup 2010? In fact, the match between Arjantina and Germany is realy an early final.Althought Germany is like our neighbour, I support Arjantina because of ' Maradano who is a big footballer and coach in Arjantine ' If the last match was played between Brazil and German, I would be in favour of Brazil. There is always a special place for Latin American in my heart.Maybe, I want Spain to be a champion beacuse of the fact that my side of being Mediterranean impress me a bit.Okay ,okay , dont get me wrong .I would apploud German team if it won.I have to admit that it deserve a championship.Right now , I want to meantion about the new I watched on televesion on tv. This new realy surprised me that the some of german people are quite interesting. As I have done it before , they predict the match of their team by using in different method. There is a big aquarium included in two different glass box.One of this glass box is covered in german flag and onother one is covered in rival flag.Let us come to the hero of this event.You will never guess that there is a octopus in aquarium which predict the matchs.I should add that there is same foods in two different glass boxes.So, this clever octopus choose one box and eat its food.So far,It has selected the box covered by german flag.If this octopos find the result of match and Germany win a victory in the worldcup, my chin will drop in the face of sweet hero's prediction. What I make me angry in this cup that I have to listen to the sound of vivuzela. It is kind of a traditional trumpet in Sout Africa. Oh my God, how can people put up with extremely bad sound.If the televison put on the mute position, the announcer for matchs can't be listened totally. All we can do is that we must endure the unbearable vivuzela.People are more likely to make a change in their life and cause us to remember something in 2010 worldcup beside matchs. Congrats, They win.
After all this kind of organization is to spread the affection and peace in the world. No matter which team we support, I hope the goodness and happiness can win at the end of this breathtaking games.It is not a true way to despair of the welfare of the world. Without depleting the source of anticipation, Let us eradicate antoganism,hadret and war.The flame of the hope's candle still try lightening in the devilish darkness.
Why didn't Turkish national team go to the Sout Africa? It is a quite different from what I want to tell .As you know, this awfully excitement has started on TV again.While slipping your wonderful tea, watching a foatball match in front of television is realy the enourmous enjoyment in eyes. Today, we will be watching the quarter final matchs. There is a point I can't pass witout writing, which cause a last constroversial topic.I don't know if you have watched the match between German and England.England were beaten, 4-1. Hovower, the problem is not about the loss of England.when the score of 1-0, England scored its first goal but referee didn't accept this goal , making all audiance shocked at all.Those who are watching in front of Tv can easly make a decision about this critical position. It is because we could see it on television over and over again and, a scene focused by camera surely made it clear.So, this terrible mistake remind some authorities of a question. Why isn't the last technology be used in at least international tournys?Even thought activating the technological machines at match seem more acceptable, I am not sure whether it could be enought effect.Pls , imagine that not only referees but all players and audience at stadium look at a huge secreen and try making a decision of uncertain positons.Won't it make the referee's job get worse or won't it make match last more longer than old one?Nevertheless, if we know the significance of a goal in this kind of match, It will worth having a try. Maybe, we will get used to control the secreen during the match.
Can you predict which one can be the champion in the worldcup 2010? In fact, the match between Arjantina and Germany is realy an early final.Althought Germany is like our neighbour, I support Arjantina because of ' Maradano who is a big footballer and coach in Arjantine ' If the last match was played between Brazil and German, I would be in favour of Brazil. There is always a special place for Latin American in my heart.Maybe, I want Spain to be a champion beacuse of the fact that my side of being Mediterranean impress me a bit.Okay ,okay , dont get me wrong .I would apploud German team if it won.I have to admit that it deserve a championship.Right now , I want to meantion about the new I watched on televesion on tv. This new realy surprised me that the some of german people are quite interesting. As I have done it before , they predict the match of their team by using in different method. There is a big aquarium included in two different glass box.One of this glass box is covered in german flag and onother one is covered in rival flag.Let us come to the hero of this event.You will never guess that there is a octopus in aquarium which predict the matchs.I should add that there is same foods in two different glass boxes.So, this clever octopus choose one box and eat its food.So far,It has selected the box covered by german flag.If this octopos find the result of match and Germany win a victory in the worldcup, my chin will drop in the face of sweet hero's prediction. What I make me angry in this cup that I have to listen to the sound of vivuzela. It is kind of a traditional trumpet in Sout Africa. Oh my God, how can people put up with extremely bad sound.If the televison put on the mute position, the announcer for matchs can't be listened totally. All we can do is that we must endure the unbearable vivuzela.People are more likely to make a change in their life and cause us to remember something in 2010 worldcup beside matchs. Congrats, They win.
After all this kind of organization is to spread the affection and peace in the world. No matter which team we support, I hope the goodness and happiness can win at the end of this breathtaking games.It is not a true way to despair of the welfare of the world. Without depleting the source of anticipation, Let us eradicate antoganism,hadret and war.The flame of the hope's candle still try lightening in the devilish darkness.