This question seeem strange for some of us.Instead of having fun to get a new year, what is my problem and, what I am trying to tell. Needless to say, enjoyment is one of main sources in our life. However, is only an entartainment for a good start in the beginning of new year the best choice for us? The english use a wonderful word in their language , which it is just what I want to tell.
It is " resolution ". Resolution means that we make promises to improve ourselves. I am not a kind of one who believe we have to wait for the begening of new year to make a positive change in our life. Without necessarily supporting New Year’s resolutions too much, I find them such a good chance for us if we keep them in our mind. Whether or not we want to do new things, we have already started a new year. Of course, it inevitably remind us a new start if we look at the celender on the wall.
If you ask me what are my resolutions.Actually , I don’t want to make a big promise I am not able to keep my words. On the other hand, It seem that one of them must be a selection from my bad behaviours.Yes, I have to choose one of my bad behaviours at this year and then give up it as soon as possible.Hey , pls , don’t underestimate my words.Sometimes, it is hightly diffucult to finish some of them as you know. First of all , we should be aware of our own mistakes.Without skipping this reality, we have to say “ I am fallible as human being. “
By sipping my hot tea, I am looking out of window to see the street.The weather becomes guite cold. Being able to live all of seasons in my country is realy an indescribable bliss and a priceless gift from God.If we say “ carpe diem “ , each of beauties around us should be realized in every seasons. Even a snowman hasn’t said me “ hello “ since I saw the first snowfall last month.The pristine whiteness of snow hasn’t covered all of ground yet.It is no doubt that not only do we human need the snow but flowers, trees etc which are to give us enought fruits.
There is a white page on my secreen like this new year. I want to resume writing my essay in english after being away a little bit. I can easly guess that nobay will read this lines.if someone read this page, okay, well done. It can only make me happy. If not , okay , everything will be good. What I did by writing is just to speak my own on and improve my english level. I greet those warmly who read this page in advance.
I strongly emhasize that a fresh new on tv made me worried. I am not able to pass this event in the arcticle without mentioned. A thousand of dead birds were found at somewhere in Usa.What make them kill is just unknown now. Scientists research this horrible topic. I am afraid Global warming and pollution will reveal in front us as the main answer for the dreadful thereof. We all should pay attentein and find an immediate solution. We never forget that there is only one planet we can live.
At the end of this writing, I wish you a wonderful new year again.I hope it will bring joy, health and money to you .May this new year give peace ,wealth,love and hapiness to our old world .Pls, take care of yourself.