I can't believe my eyes.Finally , spring says us ' hello ' with the smiling face. Somehow, the begining of spring season always drifts me in deep thoughts.The miracle of nature will start playing its role and paint all over our country and also the world in the green colour.
Pls, dont get me wrong.I never complain that the winter is terribly bad.For a long time ago , I have learned that I should relish each of seconds in the life.What I am afarid of the fact that I am not able to take control of the time.When getting older and older , you feel like the time turn into a race in 100 metre.It seem that year become such a month.So , What I am trying to tell you that I am not realy expected this season too early.If we look at what I told in diffent approach, you understand that you will certanly be an old man and reach an avoidable end.Yesterday , while I was driving my car , I was listening to a program on radio.This program was about how we could be a young person as long as we can .Of course , I am not an expert in cosmetic section or field.Without any doubts, I am not interested in this subject too much. I turned on the the radio spontaneously and faced this program.Rather than the knowlages about make-up, One of her explanation took my attention. She said that 'if you want to be a young one , don’t think about the death and on the contrary, imagine a life forever.' I think she was also not a good psychotherapist or she passed the different area for her job.

Surrealistic thoughts can easly cause a lot of painful problems.How can we human ignore what she said even if we meet it a lot of times in the life.In my opinion , most of good behaviours will be absolutely acquired a lot and, we will also keep away from some of bad things if we think about the death time to time.Pls , imagine that you have got only a few days to pass away.I am sure that we would not be capable of breaking any hearts on this condition.We could see that a lot of important things would become meaningless. If a life can’t be guaranteed at tommorrow, what is the point to get full of stressful life style , hadret , overwhelming ambition, humilating, betrayal and so on .Pls dont say me all of what I wrote are not related with being a young one.Of course , It doesnt mean that we should totatly give up working or live your life at an isolated island. Keeping a blanced way is generally a wonderful choice to have a nice life.That is why we have to work as if we will never die and , we have to be ready as if we will die tomorrow.

To sum up , the awareness of being death keep our legs on the ground as opposed to living a life in crazy way and forget the some of unavoidable realities. I am sad for atheist not to belive a life after death. Because , what I wrote in this article give them pain.Even if they are trying to ignore the reality of death , this never help them find out how to be a young one. The spring just play it’s role at this point.The nature will start exposing it’s green existance and be refreshed in the spring after a long of time in the winter sleeping. I wish you the full of the joys of spring.
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