He was in the silence room and alone. He felt like he was only one living in the world.This terrible ache of his heart was giving him so trouble and making him helpless.As an arrow , her words had penetrated his vulnerable heart.So ,he realy didnt know how he could stop the bleeding of his sorrow.

His tears trickled down his cheek and, he though what happened.It was very difffucult to understand himself, let alone finding out someone else. A human was complately unknown and it take a lot of time to understand.For along time ago , he given up grasping other's behaviours and words. He had do focus on his attitude if he wanted to expedite the process of improving in personal area and character. However, It was not expected that some of her words hurt him too much.Yes ,when she blurted out her paintful words in fuming, her sentences turned into a dragon squirting flame out of its mouth.Indeed, This situation made him perplexed a lot. Because,It was also known that he was be open to get positive feedback on himself.It was last thing he wanted to be called sentimental or fragile man. At the same time, there were somethings different.With her words, his existance start becoming smaller and smaller.He could only hate himself because of the fact he made same mistakes again.This current event reminded him again of how difficult it was about communicating with people .We all human had do know that the power of words never was be underestimated at all.He thought of a device which help human distinguish between joke mode and serious mode.This device had to be invented immediately to show us thin border between this two different mode. He asked himself '' what if all of my jokes arent taken well or seem totally bad, doesnt she has a right to give me a good lesson with her harmful words? ''

He opened a window to inhale fresh air and looked at out of window.Bright moon and wonderful stars under this dark night greeted him respectfully.He murmured ' The old world is still wonderful' He was relived a little bit to watch this precious scene of the sky.He slowly wiped his tears away and finally be calmed down by the magic of silent night.Rather than getting this kind of words, his behaviour has bothered him too much. Indeed, what he made mistake is that he supposed she had got the same sense of humour or knew him well as an his old friend.He supposed she also knew that he was not capable of humilating someone on purpose except belittling himself.In fact, his last joke was about his weakness but not about her.He thought what he could say or do if he were his friend on this condition.First of all , he made sure that he wouldnt be able to break anyone's heart just out of spite.In the right time and place , he could warn her that he didnt like her jokes or words and also never wanted to be part of her jokes in this style. What was the point if one threaten someone else that He/she would totally delete or punish him/her without any warning or explanation? Didn't it make us as bad as someone made silly jokes or bad things.He would warn his friend a few times and never be tired of this good manner.At least, He had got a right to do what he want to do such as getting angry or putting an end of his friendship after warning him/her about bad habit or behaviours.

It is the end of this story . Pls , dont ask me what happened.Because, this story is not related with me. When I was watching a moive, it made me conjure this story up and , I wanted to write it.Propably , I easly guess that you will say ' deja vu ' while reading this lines.All of us are not a perfect one. Thus , if I take a lesson from this story , pls my friends , I need friends who warn me about my falses or mistakes in the right time and place. Who desnt need them? What we have to do is just that we should level with our friends and kindly tell their bad things in suitable words.Finally, my friends, I want to apologize you in advance for my bad things. Pls, make sure that I haven't been aware of my awfully bad behaviours and so on and, I will also try changing all of them if you warn me as a good friend.
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