The weather has been so cold nowdays. It is unbelievable that thermometer show us minus ten degrees.Everything is frozen and also covered with snow.You have to make effort not to slip on the ice when walking on the street.All of them prove that the season is absolutely winter.

One of the most annoying thing in the winter is gettting cold.Scratchy throat , burning nose and sore eyes give us an evidence to pay attention to our health.Considering the swin flue, to be honest , we cant omit the risk of this illness.It is not only one thing bugging me in winter.You can easly guess that traffic get worse and mess up all of transportation in this season.In fact, I haven't a right to complain that the winter is not as well as the summer.I realy wonder why we people make our world dark and look at events in the negative side. On the contrary, there are a lot of wonderful things in the each of phenomenons we can enjoy too much.The winter give us a wonderful natural scene.As a bride, the white environment and fresh air hug you and also make you stuck to relish the spectacle of this wonderful season.By slipping your hot tea , It can give you an indescribable bliss to watch snowfall from windows. The sight of trees under snow provide you a perfect opportunity to take photo. It also remind me of my childhood.When I was a child , we played a lot of games related with snow all day long. We didnt realize how much the weather was cold.It gave us great pleasure to make a snowman with a big carrot and a double of coals.I dont remember how many I fell down while sliding on the ice.Do you know that some of fruit trees need to stay in the cold weather for their wonderful fruits.Indeed , I havent considered cold weather help us and our life.The snow clean dirty air and eradicate germs or at least , prevent them for sperating through people.We surely cant pass without mentioning the underwater.The snow is a big source of underwater.when spring come to our contry , the snow on top of mountain will melt and feed the river and underwater.

I am quite sure that we dont know a lot of things benefiting us in winter .Maybe , you can wonder why I tell all things about this season. As I have written before at the beginning of my article, Some of my friends complain that The weather is terribly bad and they are not able to get the point of cold winter. They claim that it is totally useless and cause considerable harm to people. I am not trying to explain that the winter is the easy period of year.It said that there is the one good thing about a bad thing.I mean we can say it is so dark night or there are a lot of bright stars in this night.Instead of making our world unbearable , why not have a look at the events in good side.I am not able to pass this sentence without mention again. Beauty is in the eyes of beholder.How do you look at the world , you see like this.Because , everything we see is our mirror.It is very nicer choose if we can see the half full of our glass.Of course ,we have to seee bad events and find a sloution about this realities.However, we are not capable of changing the season and also turn the cold weather into the warm one.Thus , why dont we change our viewpoint on this time of year.
I hope we all know what is the difference between optimist and pessimist.Every cloud has a silver lining.Even if there are a lot of difficulties, feeling cold and extra paying for heating, I love this season.Not only have I got this philosophy about winter but also every stages of my life. At least , I am trying to keep it well. Who doesnt want his/her behaviours or words to get a beneficial effect on people.
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